Dear Finn,
As you complete your seventh year, I want to make sure that you know this: you are an amazing person. And I'm not just saying that because you can read this now (though that doesn't hurt).
Allow me to be more specific:
- You are an amazing big brother, always making sure your sister has the appropriate dosage of Pro-Nuggets.
- You have an amazing sense of humor and you make me laugh every day.
- You are amazingly genuine, open and insightful about who you are as a person; I'm so proud of your ability to talk about your vulnerability and what makes you happy and what makes you sad. There are many grown-ups that could learn from you.
- You're really good at Legos. Like, scary-good.
When we were joking around on the walkie talkies the other day, you said that I "make your life fun." I hope so - it's one of my success criteria, along with keeping you from picking your nose and getting you to lean over your plate. It would be good to know that I'm succeeding in at least one of those.
I'm going to keep this note short - I just deleted about 300 words - in the hopes that you'll read this note sooner than later. I'd also encourage you to read other stuff on this blog, but unfortunately most of it is self-indulgent garbage. But if you're bored, give it a shot. As boring as it probably is, it's all for you.
I love you, Finny.
Happy birthday!!!