Typically, works like a charm. Everyone loves money, right? Money's awesome!
Unfortunately, Finn The Hippie doesn't care about money. This would be an arguably admirable trait in grown-up. It's incredibly frustrating in a child that you are trying to motivate.
We've tried allowance. Nothing. We've tried insisting that he has to pay for his treats/toys. Nothing. We've tried kidnapping his stuffed animals and demanding insane ransoms to save them from the horror that is the washing machine. Nothing.
I wish I could say that I was a good enough parent that I could shrug this off and simply change tactics - pick another tool from the toolbox. Unfortunately, the only toolbox I own is my wallet. I'm screwed.
The other day, Finn and I were chatting about collections and how some people like the collect things. This is an interesting topic to him because I recently showed him my pocket knife collection from when I was a kid and he almost peed his pants in excitement. Of course he asked if he could have it, and I promised it to him when he got a little bit older. I asked him if he was interested in collecting something slightly less stabby & cutty in the meantime and he decided that he wanted to collect "everything".
I explained that that wasn't how collecting worked; that's called hoarding. Collecting requires that you kind narrow in on something specific. He decided that he wanted to collect a new iPad. Also unacceptable. I explained that even if he had an iPad, he would still need a credit card to pay for the apps that he wants.
He seemed very concerned about this and got real quiet. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, he jumped up as the lightbulb in his head went off. In all sincerity, he emphatically exclaimed, "I've got it! I can collect money!"
Now we're getting somewhere. Looks like I need to dust off the old toolbox. It's time for some "parenting".
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