After that, I'll be giving some serious thanks if he ever wants to accompany us back to the mountain again.
So in the spirit of giving thanks, allow me to offer the following (belated) items for which I am truly thankful:
- To my wife: I am thankful for everything that you do, even when everything that you do has a habit of costing exactly $2,000. You make it all worth it, though, by letting me sleep in on the weekends, even when Finn has no interest in doing so himself. It does not go unnoticed. I always say a big hearty thank you directly into my pillow before falling back to sleep - you just can't hear it.
- To my son: You have the uncanny ability to turn any situation into a happy one by giving me a big hug exactly when I need it. I know you're getting older and that this type of thing isn't going to last, but they're extremely helpful - particularly in reminding me that a <insert irrationally emotionally loaded sports team here> loss isn't the end of the world.
Finn's hugs also help me overlook the fact that he's got designs on my woman (Finn, word to the wise. When someone asks you who your girlfriend is/who you're going to marry, "Mommy" is not the proper answer if you want to keep living under my roof.) and the fact that the speed with which he moves through life appears to be in direct inverse proportion to the urgency with which I need to get somewhere - i.e., the Ninja Principle.
I'm also extremely thankful for the $.62 that I've made in ad revenue from this blog in the last year. Only 3,225 more years like that and I'll finally be able to buy my wife something nice.
Hang on, Kitty, almost there!
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