I don't remember Finn being half as adorable as Edie is right now. Maybe it's because she's a girl (it's
definitely because she's a girl), but pretty much everything she says makes my bottom lip tremble as a Fatherly tear runs down my face.
Hearing her say "shoes" or "elbow" digs right through your ears and directly into your chest like a tiny little baby Kevin-Bacon-Tremors-worm. It's like listening to the most adorable Mötley Crüe song ever written, times ten. You guys cry when you hear "Kickstart My Heart" too, right? Right. Well imagine ten Vince Neils and ten Tommy Lees surfing ten drum kits on ten rainbows while ten Mick Marses and ten Nikki Sixxes brood in the corner like ten little miniature unicorns and you're starting to get the idea. Plus Jon Bon Jovi is also there.
In other words, I'm pretty smitten right now.
Also adorable? Her older brother, but in a
slightly different way - the way that's less about how cutely you mispronounce words and more about how awesomely you're learning to punch people in the face. Acceptably.
Finn just completed the
Leap of Faith program, which is a really cool kids program focused ostensibly on self-defense, but really on building confidence - something that my awesome son, who has unfortunately inherited my shyness, can use. Through teaching kids how to use all of their "powers", like seeing power, feeling power, voice power and more, it sets them up to focus not on the things that could hurt them in the world, but rather on how they're setup to be safe, happy & healthy. In other words: not what they
can't do, but what they
It was inspiring watching Finn punch a 6' 5" dude in the face during the graduation ceremony to demonstrate how he'd escape from someone grabbing him. But it's even more inspiring watching him walk more confidently across the street and generally be more comfortable in his skin. It's not like he's a completely different person, but there's a stronger vibe in the air. Of course, a large part of that is that Kitty and I have also been coached on respecting boundaries as part of giving him the ability to put them up. As much as I dislike the fact that I am no longer supposed to hold him down over his pleas and cries and tickle him to death, I can certainly take the long view on this one.
But perhaps the greatest improvement we've seen? He now loves getting his picture taken. I'm not sure this is due to the program - causation/correlation blah blah blah - but still... we needed more pictures of Finn. Otherwise, we'd only have pictures of adorable Edie.
And I'm pretty sure that would explode all of your brains & eyeballs.