Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Good Lookin'

Loaded hypothetical:

What's better - being smart or being good looking?

Does your answer change if you're talking about a man or a woman?

Does your answer change if you're talking about your spouse vs. your child?

Of course not.  That's a stupid hypothetical.  Everyone knows the answer.  It's WAY better to be good looking.  Being smart is lame.


Unfortunately for Edie's sake, it would appear that she's been stricken with both maladies - extraordinary intelligence and should-be-illegal-and-sure-to-complicate-my-life-in-about-12-years good looks.


I mean, seriously, look at that picture!   How can anyone in their right minds resist that face?

The answer I'm looking for?  They CAN'T.  In particular, I'm looking for that answer from those on this weekend's nonstop flight to Newark - where Edie is certain to augment that award winning smile with her equally impressive banshee screech as I try to remove whatever inappropriate and/or dangerous and/or bloody mary-ish thing she's latched onto as her mother and I sweat and fret and try to appear calm about the fact that we're locked into this flying tube with a pin-up version of Li'l Satan for 6 hours.

I wonder if I can duct tape her entire body and face to the seat, provided I give her an air hole?  Is that FAA approved?

No, that'll never work.  It would block her smile... and that's really the only currency I expect to have on this flight.

That goodness for the boy - and his best friend I. Pad.   They play so well together, you hardly even know they're there.

Now where's that bloody mary?

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