Not a smart move when your son is a Squirmasaurus, but given his track record we figured it was worth a shot.
Using baseball parlance (truthfully, the only kind of parlance other than drunk parlance in which I am familiar), Finn is batting around .750 on flights. There are some rough moments, but his slugging average is well over 1.000, since when he is good, he knocks it out of the park, routinely charming everyone on the plane. With his 5th flight in just over 15 months, we're starting to feel like we're pressing our luck.
At this point, we're familiar with the tools of the trade for flying with toddlers: snacks, toys, wrapped toys, wrapped snacks, toy snacks, wrapping paper without snacks or toys, Benadryl, vodka, Xanax... And that's just for us. However, with friends and family spread all over the country, we need to travel for reliable babysitting.
We were hesitant about getting on a plane so soon after Tick Tour, but with our friends Jen, Steve and little Wyatt Hooker offering a place to stay and some babysitting options for the wedding, it seemed like the thing to do. Look how happy they are to have us at the Hook Hotel!
What a smart decision it was. Not only did I get to meet my blogging mentor for the first time, he bought me lots of beer in exchange for stories of my Star Wars van while we sat in the corner stroking each others' needy egos. Add in all of our other great friends, their ever-expanding brood, and the idyllic setting of Vail, Colorado and you have a recipe for an extremely (hazy) memorable weekend.
Plus, Finn took the opportunity to expand on his three word vocabulary by spontaneously doubling it with "hi", "ouch" and "Holly" (according to Aunt Holly) all in one extremely productive pool session.
But now it's back to reality and reality = NO MORE TRAVEL. Sorry Peter Tomarken, but we're done pressing our luck.
Aside to the (good-natured) TSA guy in Denver who gave me a hard time for wearing my Yankees hat at DIA, forcing me to admit they were in second place on Monday morning: You're just lucky that I didn't come through security 5 hours later! Yeah, take that.
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