Friday, July 13, 2012


Finn is enamored with cameras.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm shoving one in his face every 15 seconds and everything to do with the reaction he gets (extremely loud, sharp intake of breath) from me every time he picks up our nice camera and threatens to take pictures.

That said, he's not bad.  Some day I'll put together an entire album of his best work, but for now, I'll just give him this post while I continue to get my thoughts and pictures in order from our trip back East last week.

I present this picture he took of his cousin Alex completely unedited.  Sure it's a tiny bit blurry, but it's got good framing & composition and he really captured the moment. 

Plus he didn't drop the camera in the pool, so I would say it's high art.

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